Once I went chasing a roe deer. It was a stupid thing to do, but I could not control myself when I saw it strutting around, looking so cocky and presumptious.
My master chased after me, yelling, but he was not running as fast as I, so soon enought I had left him behind.
When I finally got tired with the roe deer and turned back, I realized that my old man must have been gone for a long, long time!
I could hear him calling my name somewhere, but even though I tried very hard, it was impossible to co-ordinate himself and his voice at the same place at the same time. At last I went back to the area where we first had bumped into the roe deer, but there was just his sweater. The careless fellow had dropped it, so I had to stay in the forrest to prevent it from getting stolen.
Many hours later my clumsy master returned. He found his sweater as well as me, his responsible watchdog. By that time I was half dead with hunger. We went home to have dinner and then I fell almost immediately asleep, dreaming about my heroic deed.
Just think about it, he actually ran away from his own FUR! Then it was certainly lucky for him that he had his observant Skutt.
I wonder how he can manage now, with ME living at my granny´s house. I suppose it is rather chaotic. There are no better words to descibe it: and THAT ONE has been a policeman!
But maybe this was the reason for him to quit the force. Nowadays he is employed as some kind of secret agent. I hope he knows what he does, himself, because no one else seems to have a clue - he is so secretive it is ridiculous. In fact he hardly exists any more.
Before my master became a policeman, he was working for SÄPO, the swedish Secret Service. Even then he was very mysterious, but sometimes he used to bring Sniff to his office for a couple of days and HE had not signed any professional silence act, so he felt free to tell me a lot about what they did there.
It seems like they mostly were eating buns, chips and other unhealthy food, which he was snatching away from their desks while they were out in official errands.
He also took the opportunity to explore their waste-paper baskets, in search for exciting documents - but if I may speak my opinion, he was far more interested in the possible scraps of cakes or fruits.
I doubt Sniff would be a compentent spy. He is far too singelminded - the only track he would follow with any skill is the scent of food.
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