The first bitch in my life was, of course, my mother Jennie. Sadly enough we were separated while I was still very young, so our relationship got no deeper than that between a "milk-bar" and a greedy little rascal with a mouth that is always hungry.
Later when seeing each other, she was only one in the pack of rather terrifying old ladies, who were driving us in behind the sofa - just as I was doing to our neighbour´s spaniels.
According to my mistress, Sniff´s granny Piika was a devil of a bitch, but the others were rather dangerous, too - all except for the youngest one, who wasn´t closely related to the rest of them. Her name was Jumpy and she was just about a year older than I. She became my first love - although I seldom saw her, except for on various Show grounds. I really liked her very much. But there has been many more afterwards. I have been living an interesting life.
One of them was a boxer, who was at least three times my size. She was living in the same district as we, so I was actually seeing her quite often. I used to chase her in the playground for dogs, or leap around her, flirting, when we bumped into her outside our building. She had no tail to protect her behind - Great Dog, what a heavenly scent she had!
Unfortunately she was staying together with her mother, who was a pretty sharp lady. She was defending her daughter´s chastity, so if Ettan and I were to play at all, their mistress had to keep the older bitch outside the fence, while we were tumbling around inside.
My previous mistress and Löken thought Ettan (swedish for Number One) was a funny name, so once I remember them asking if there was also a "Number Two". But apparently there wasn´t. "Ettan" was a nickname for some long and difficult Kennel-name (as "Maidi" for "Starmaids Flower-Maid").
Not only Beagle-breeders are giving their puppies peculiar names!
Sniff had a girlfriend, a wild little dachshund called Buffa.
(Our mistress called her Taxelina, before she was told her proper name.)
Buffa and Sniff were playing together back at the time when he was the only dog, but I didn´t like her as much as he. I guess she wasn´t really my type.
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Once in my very early youth, the three of us were out, doing our "things" before going to bed. Suddenly Sniff and Buffa started to bark at another dog, which was frightening ME so tremendously I had to escape and ran all the way home in the dark.
At first they were calling and searching for me in the same area where I had left them, but soon enough Buffa´s mistress found out that I probably had gone home - which I had. Already in my puppy-hood I was a smart dog, who knew what to do to feel safe.
 | Another one of Sniff´s girlfriends was a yellow ridgeback, called Zorba. I was also playing play with her.
In Uppsala winter means clay-time (as long as the ground is not frozen), so when we were returning home after our lovely tussles, I was the most incredibly dirty pup ever seen. But at least I was happy - except for when I was washed up.
When my puppy friend Rama grew up and turned sexually mature, she was chosing ME as her fiancee (instead of Sniff). Of course I didn´t mind it at all. If only our MISTRESS had agreed, I would have been more than willing to offer my services as the father of her first litter.
But humans are very strange creatures. During most of my adolescence she had been working hard and porposefully to prove what a handsome and obedient dog I was, but when RAMA got interested, she said: "No, over my dead body! I do not want puppies like THAT!"
I know Rama still has got a soft spot for me. She is considering me as her chosen prince, but luckily I´m not as faithful as she.
I´ve often met nice bitches with whom I would like to get intimate - and now that I´m living in Katrineholm, I´ve made many new female acquaintances who are more of the same size as I.
The closest one is a wire-haired dachshund, who is living just a few houses away along our street. I am not absolutely sure but I believe her name is Bizzan. We are greeting each other cheerfully, but never getting to socialize properly, because (like Ettan in Uppsala) she´s got an alfa-bitch named Lillan, who is angry and extremely protective. She keeps telling me she will KILL me - and I am sure she would, if she could.
Her master must be sure of it, too, with reference to how nervously he is acting when it happens. Then he is starting to nag and pull the leash another way - so Bizzan and I are never getting our chance.
Another of my female friends is a red-haired Norfolk Terrier who is called Molly - I find her incredibly nice. I´m sometimes flirting with her, while my mistress and her master are chatting about the weather.
I know we would have fun together, if our owners could be persuaded to let us loose somewhere, where it´s not dangerous for us absent-minded animals to play...but it seems we are always meeting where there are streets with much traffic around.
There are also the four "tollars" (though they have probably moved somewhere else, because we are no longer bumping into them.) Sniff is in love with the oldest and I with the couple of youngest. The fourth one is Löken´s favourite, but Toke is not keen on meeting them - he is looking in another direction, pretending it is raining, in order to avoid stepping forward to say hallo to them. A rather strange behavior towards such smashing chics, I believe!
The best of them all I have saved until last. She is my latest true love and her name is Mollan. She is a Lancashire heeler, a black and brown little bundle of energy with dark eyes, sparkling of mischief.
The very first time I saw her was on the green-and-white track from Ramsjöhult (a recreation area east of Katrineholm). We caught up with her in the middle of the deep forrest and for me it was love at first sight.
Löken unleashed me and we were chasing each other around for a long, long while. I was barking for joy almost all the time. She is EXACTLY a girl to my taste!
We are not seeing each other that often but WHEN we do it is always a party.
One day last summer we happened to found out, that Mollan and her mistress were working at the Mansion of Djulö, only a few hundred meters from the camping ground where our shed was. It was a very hot and sunny day, but oh how we ran in the park. We were playing hunting games, racing in full speed across the lawn. The man who was driving the lawn-mower seemed afraid to run us over - and so were even our mistresses. Both of them came running anxiously, yelling out for us to take care.
Lucky for me I had just had a swim, cause with a quicksilver as Mollan one is soon getting rather hot under one´s coat. Her legs are just half the length of mine, but they are moving at least twice as fast.
At last I had to lie down under an apple-tree to rest. Löken said I had to consider my age - I was actually almost nine years old. I guess she was worried I would have a fit of some kind, so she would have to CARRY me home. But there was no need to get troubled - I was walking home on my own four legs afterwards.
This is the most fantastic part of it all - Mollan makes me feel YOUNG once again!
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