Now, that our mistress had got a puppy of her own to love and take care of, she had less time to spend with us.
Sniff grew even more dull and listless. He spent most of his days sleeping and had no longer any desire to accompany us on our walks.
Our mistress feared he was ill in some way, so she took him to the vet, but on the contrary it turned out he was unusually fit for a dog of his age. He was just in a state of depression, due to the serious lack of attention he experienced from his owners.
Once he tried to commit suicide, by teasing a viper until it bit his leg, but not even then he was successful. Sniff has always been somewhat a clot.
(He, himself, will tell you a different version of the story, but I keep that until later.)

Finally he moved to our grannyīs house in Katrineholm - to start with during the period when the bitches were in heat, but afterwards they agreed it would be better for him to stay there.
Then it was I who felt depressed, as if all the joy in my life was gone. We beagles are social animals, in need for each otherīs moral support...and Edda was not nice to me.
Nor was the little pink puppy, but it was too young to understand better.
Once when it was too pushing I said "wrrrow!" and pinched its nose, but then my mistress got very ungracious.
"Children are not like puppies," she tried to explain.
How was I supposed to know? All I wanted was being left alone.
Although my mistress is just a human, she is not completely impossible. She understood my dilemma and went down into the cellar to fetch my old crate (the one I used to travel in, when we were going to dog shows), to offer me a shelter, a place I could call MY OWN.
All that winter I was the slow one, who was feeling sad and listless, hanging in my leash like a log when we were out walking together.
But I got happy again next summer, when Löken came to stay with us, because then I could walk with HER instead and suddenly I felt much better. I could jump and bark and "pup around" almost as much as I wanted to. It turned out to be the best summer I had experienced in my whole life.
We often went for long, lovely walks, 10 kilometers or more, and we were outdoors for several hours a day - my body was feeling fine afterwards.
Although the best of all was, it was ONLY us two, she and I.
When autumn came I had twisted her completely around my leg, so then they said I could stay with Löken and granny, being spared from the disappointment of going back to Huddinge.
At first it was temporarily, until Löken (who was unemployed) would find somewhere to work, but now I am sure she will never let me go.
We have even changed in the papers, so she has became my owner.
Iīm exploiting her unrestrainedly, but although Iīm sometimes harassing her, I still trust she will keep loving me for the rest of my life.
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