When I was a puppy I had a soft spot for mustard and bear. To real food I felt more reluctant. Sometimes I was eating my portion with good appetite and sometimes I pushed my mistress almost to the edge of insanity by looking into my bowl with disgust, telling her "Eat it yourself, if you must!"
When Löken had been unemployed for about six months she got involved in a so-called project. She became one of the members in an environmental working team, which was going to build up a system for recycling various types of packages. (I know a brilliant way to do it. Just chewing them into pieces and spreading them all over the house. The mistresses will get good exercise by picking them up again and the dogs will get activated and feel fine for the rest of the day.) The first month or so the team had nowhere to hang out, so they had to meet in the library - and there are no dogs allowed, so I had to stay home with granny. Ooh, how sad I felt when Löken left me in the morning! I had grown kind of used to us being together all the time.
Löken would have been leaving her job in the beginning of June, but the time for the project was prolonged until the 6th of September. During that summer she was working as an environmental informant at the camping ground outside Katrineholm, so we were alternately going there and to the office in the old dairy, where she could use the computer. The walks were long, but I did not mind it at all - except for when the weather was TOO sunny and warm, so I became like a boiled egg inside my coat.
I may as well admit it - I´ve always been a talkative dog. Of course I don´t speak the human way. Not that I have not tried making noices with my lips, but there seems to be something missing in my mouth, because I can´t get any words out of it.
Löken keeps telling me I´m very close, though. I have such a distinct way of expressing myself, that she is yet understanding exactly what I want to say. If somebody is threatening to hurt me, I am raising a horrified scream. The same if I´m hurting myself somehow - squeezing a toe between the boards in our terrace or pricking my muzzle with the thorns of a bush, which I´m poking my head into. When my leash is getting stuck somewhere I´m confining myself to just barking intensely. I´m also barking when locked out in the garden and waiting to be let in again. (But I´m ALWAYS eager to be let in as soon as possible, so I suppose my mistress considers I´m barking all the time.) When our owners are entering the front door, we are all yelling like a pack of wild wolves. It is fun and good for the spirit. The only bad thing about it is, that it is annoying our owners. Occasionally it´s making them so angry that they are turning around on the doorstep, leaving us alone again - and this is not the intention, so then the message is not clear enough. But speaking is not just barking and crying out loud for joy. I´m having a weakness for whining. I know it is very unpopular, but often I cannot control myself. Luckily for granny she has become a bit deaf, so she can´t hear the whistles in the highest pitch of my voice. We use to call them "the supernatural". Primarly Sniff "invented" them, but as we dogs tend to learn from each other, now I´m squeaking exactly the same. I have already told you about my body language - ears withdrawn, one front paw lifted and lying down on my back - but all of that are really just my humble signs of submission. I have not yet explained about my different ways to show happiness. Except for lots of barking I am very keen on jumping, waving my paws in front of me and dancing on the rug like a maniac. Toke is doing something similiar, although more like a kind of rubber ball, straight up and down on the same spot - he is looking like a flying dog with ears instead of wings. When Löken and I are together we are speaking our own secret language, consisting of little gruntings and mutterings, alternating with sighs and almost inaudible whining sounds. This is especially common when she is sitting in the TV-room and I am lying in the armchair beside her. We are speaking very silently, not to disturb granny...but as soon as the News are finished I´m leaping up, starting to dance around, screaming "HURRAY, now it´s time for an evening snack!" (Even SHE is understanding that...but why is she always getting so cross?) When something is interesting me or I´m just wanting a piece of food, I´m tipping my ears forward, pointing at the thing with my nose while staring at it, intensely. If Löken doesn´t comprehend I´m briefly seeking eye contact and then at once return to my staring. The troubled wrinkles in my forehead make me adorable, she says, but often she is cold as ice, refusing to get persuaded. Sometimes I have to use forcible means and catch her arm between my forelegs or scratch it with my nails. Although this is not a good method, because if she finds me too difficult it may happen she gives me a slap instead. Human skin is so fragile and tense. That´s hard for me to remember, having a thick splendid coat of my own. |